关于「 855858」的内容列表

Bitcoin mined an empty block at height 855858 37 minutes ago

According to mempool data, miners mined empty blocks at Bitcoin height of 855858 (that is, the block contains only one transaction with block reward Coinbase), which is only 9 seconds away from the previous block height. Miners pack empty blocks for economic reasons, and this is the smartest choice for miners. In order to make the most of this time for mining and avoid conflicts with the transactions packaged in the parent block, miners cannot fill the block with transactions, which means that m...

2024-08-08 13:27:30

据 mempool 数据显示,矿工在比特币高度 855858 挖出了空区块(即区块仅包含有区块奖励 Coinbase 一笔交易),与上个区块高度时间间隔仅差 9 秒。 矿工打包空块是出于经济利益的考量,这样做是矿工最明智的选择。矿工为了充分利用这段时间进行挖矿,且避免与父区块中打包的交易发生冲突,就不能往区块里填充交易,也就是说矿工只能尝试挖空块。

2024-08-08 13:27:30

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